Pub 5 2021 Issue 1
By Darlene Petersen, MD and Maryann Martindale, UAFP Executive Director
Isaac J. Noyes, MD, UAFP President
Practicing medicine has been hard. The over 1,100 Utah family physicians have seen challenges this year too numerous to mention. These challenges, both personal and professional, are not lost on us at the Academy, and I want to clearly acknowledge them and share our appreciation.
When life gives you lemons . . .
Well, just like everything in life, we’re finally seeing the light at the end of a very long tunnel. Just like everyone else, when we were quarantined for two weeks in March 2020, I thought we’d hunker down, ration our toilet paper, finally use some of that food in the freezer and pantry, and then it would all be over.
See what else is inside
Inside you will find additional information such as upcoming webinars, conferences, previous events, anniversaries, and more. Take a look through the flip book to see all the extras. You can also download a PDF and save it to read later.