Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes more than 32,000 new cancer cases in the U.S. each year and most are preventable. Even though the HPV vaccine is an effective strategy in cancer prevention and has been available for more than 12 years, only 51% of adolescents have been vaccinated, far below the national target of 80% by 2020. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, that gap widened and caused more than 50% of adolescents in the U.S. to not receive HPV vaccinations. As grave as the gap is between the target rate and those who have received the vaccine, it is much worse in Utah which ranks 44th of 50 states for HPV vaccination completion among 13-17-year-olds.
With the strong likelihood of the COVID-19 vaccine being approved for younger children in the coming months, it is even more important to work with parents to get their children caught up on critical vaccines so they will be ready to receive regular flu vaccines, and hopefully COVID-19 vaccines, in the fall and winter.
From July 2021- May 2022, you can help in the effort to get children vaccinated in Utah’s lowest performing health districts for HPV vaccination. If your practice is located in Bear River, Southeast, Southwest, Tri County, or Utah County Health Districts, you can be a part of a pilot to test the implementation of a tailored clinic-focused, evidence-based HPV vaccination intervention at six primary care clinics. This pilot only requires a one-two hour time commitment per month for about six months and compensation and marketing materials will be provided.
Please contact Deanna Kepka for more information at or 801-587-4565 for more information.