Pub. 8 2024 Issue 1

President’s Message: Why Belonging Matters

In the last magazine, I discussed “What Motivates You?” However, even the most motivated among us can still feel burnt out and suffer from morale injury if we do not have a sense of belonging in our workplace.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines belonging as “an affinity for a place or situation.” However, belonging is not just a desire for this connection; it is a fundamental need that expands into every aspect of our lives, including our profession. For family physicians, the significance of belonging extends beyond camaraderie or shared experiences. It directly influences our effectiveness, resilience and overall well-being in the demanding landscape of medicine.

Medicine is a collaborative endeavor, requiring physicians to function within intricate networks of patients, colleagues, healthcare systems, insurance companies and legislation. A sense of belonging within this framework fosters cohesion, encourages teamwork and enhances patient care outcomes. When physicians feel connected to their peers and institutions, they are more likely to communicate openly, collaborate effectively and seek support when facing challenges. This collective synergy not only improves clinical decision-making but also cultivates a supportive environment conducive to professional growth and satisfaction.

We all know the practice of medicine is inherently stressful, marked by long hours seeing patients and responding to the voluminous messages and phone calls while completing paperwork for patients. In such an environment, the experience of belonging serves as a buffer against burnout and compassion fatigue. When physicians feel valued and supported within their professional communities, they are better equipped to cope with the emotional toll of their work, maintain a sense of purpose and sustain their passion for “helping people,” as all pre-med students say. Belonging provides a vital source of resilience, empowering family physicians to navigate adversity.

By fostering a culture of belonging that celebrates diversity and embraces inclusivity, UAFP hopes to cultivate a workforce that reflects the rich tapestry of human experience, amplifying perspectives and advancing health equity for all — to transform health care to achieve optimal health for everyone, the vision of UAFP.

We have started on this journey toward our vision by continuing work with our newest committee, the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee. We invite you to join a committee or share a big idea for UAFP, where you belong.

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