Pub. 3 2019 Issue 1

E ver wanted to break bread with your legisla- tor? UAFP can make that happen. Each year, prior to the start of the legis- lative session, UAFP holds a Legislative Lunch. Legislators, UAFP members, students, and residents come together for a lunch and a short presentation on the issues we’re planning to work on during the upcoming session. In a relaxed set- ting, our members get quality time to talk to legis- lators, discuss concerns with laws and regulations, and help legislators understand how they can help advance family medicine in Utah. Politics are per- sonal, and having an opportunity to make a per- sonal connection with your legislators can make all the difference in gaining their support and under- standing for the issues concerning family medicine. Join us next year for our Legislative Lunch and let us help you make that personal connection with your legislator. Lunch wit h a L egislator 29 |